Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lanyu - Part IV | 兰屿 (四)

Night Observation

As the night fell, led by Xiao Qiang, we traveled across the darkness with motorbikes. What we were doing was having night observation at the seaside nearby. Soon, Xiao Qiang spotted the first guest of the night - a coconut crab...

*Night observation is a popular activity in Lanyu after dawn, tourists are brought to the seaside and forest nearby to observe the lives of fauna and flora in Lanyu during nighttime.


入夜后,我们在小强的带领下,在黑暗中,骑着机车,在附近的海边搜寻。很快的,小强便发现了我们当晚的第一位客人 - 椰子蟹。


"Fa~ai" - in Language of Tao, Meaning "My Home"
法艾 - 达悟语的意思是“我的家'
Coconut Crab, a Protected Species, Defending Himself by Moving Backward
Don't mess with coconut crab, as it can open a coconut using its claw.(He was holding Xiao Qiang's key)

Introducing the Transformer Crab - Spot the Face of Decepticons on the shell?
变形金刚蟹 - 有看到狂派的脸吗?
Little Yellow Crab - Does It Look Like Bumble Bee ?
小黄蟹 - 看起来像变形金刚的大黄蜂吗?
Poisonous Sea Snake - First Interaction with Sea Snake
有毒的海蛇 - 与海蛇的第一次接触
Another Species - Not as Beautiful as the First One
另一种海蛇 - 没有第一条漂亮

Lovely Prawn
A Closer Look

There is a Love Shape on Its Back

A Random Fish

The Eye of Sadako

It's Just a Shell

Jiao Xiao - A Tiny Owl, Also A Protected Wildlife, Confined in Lanyu Only
角鸮 - 一种小型猫头鹰,也是受保护动物,是兰屿的特有的品种
Following "Do Do Wu"- the chirping of Jiao Xiao, we found the tiny owl. I was told that a tour only disturb (torching) one Jiao Xiao a night. This is to minimize the harassment to Jiao Xiao.


This Tree Belongs to Xiao Qiang's Family, The Craving Was Left by His Grandfather

This activity allowed me to understand more about the relationship between the Tao and the nature in Lanyu. A night observation tour costs only 300-400 TWD, ins't it worth ?


To be continued...

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